Foreign language daycare center Spatzennest

Home / Our daycare center

Parental activities


We see our work in the daycare center as complementary to the family. It is therefore particularly important to us that parents and the daycare center work closely together. This means that all parents are important partners in our work. Only through an intensive exchange can we achieve our quality goals and offer optimal development opportunities. Personal discussions are very important to us.

Our approach

A prerequisite for the continued success of this partnership is a high level of information transparency about the children's everyday lives. An open exchange is important to us, as this is the only way we can get to know the child's needs. In addition to the annual development meetings between group teachers and parents, we are happy to have daily "door-to-door" discussions. Regular anonymous surveys by our provider provide further information about specific interests and concerns of the parents. Of course, further discussions can be arranged at any time by parents or teachers. A group parents' evening takes place at least twice a year and possibly another parents' evening on a pedagogical topic.

We are delighted when parents take an interest in our work and find out about what is happening in the groups. The help and support of parents is particularly important when it comes to planning and organizing parties as well as activities and excursions for the children. We are always grateful for new suggestions and ideas from parents and are happy to actively involve them in our plans. We organize joint parties, themed afternoons and parents' evenings, group afternoons and hikes. Of course, we also like to involve grandmas/grandpas and siblings in our work and events. This is where cross-generational work comes into play.

We elect our parents' council once a year. This invites us to meetings 2-3 times a year, at which the head teacher and the nursery teachers can also take part. Future plans and projects are then discussed together. We see the parents' council as an important link between the parents and their wishes and concerns as well as the team of teachers and the parent organization.

Language diversity

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