The smooth transition between kindergarten and elementary school, as well as close cooperation, enable a holistic learning environment. Our team attaches great importance to a successful and individual acclimatization process in the crèche, kindergarten and after-school care areas.
Children are driven by their curiosity, have a great urge to explore and discover and a strong desire to imitate the grown-ups, which is why the joy and fun of learning and playing is our top priority. With this privilege, independence, self-esteem and self-confidence can easily be strengthened and promoted in everyday life - which is why we act and work according to the situation-oriented approach! We pay particular attention to the early introduction of cultural techniques and the English language.
Eating meals together in a quiet atmosphere is particularly important at our facility. We offer the children a healthy, balanced and varied all-day meal from our own kitchen. We have also set ourselves the goal of encouraging the children to enjoy healthy eating and to apply the knowledge they have acquired themselves.
Daycare children are still at the beginning of their language development. For us, language education integrated into everyday life means that we pay attention to child-friendly language teaching in everyday interactions. Playfully introducing our children to the English language is part of everyday life.
Daycare children are still at the beginning of their language development. For us, language education integrated into everyday life means that we pay attention to child-friendly language teaching in everyday interactions. Playfully introducing our children to the English language is part of everyday life. We pay particular attention to the acquisition of social skills and the teaching of values and norms, which give the children security and stability in everyday life. We support the children in acting independently and appropriately without losing sight of the community and their role within it. The early introduction to cultural techniques such as reading, writing and basic mathematical skills characterize our daily pedagogical work and are anchored in the Saxon education plan.
Children have a right to early childhood education. All areas of support have the overarching goal of developing so-called basic skills. Basic skills are fundamental abilities, abilities, attitudes and personality characteristics. These are prerequisites for success and satisfaction in school, work, family and society.
The settling-in phase for our future crèche children begins 4 weeks in advance of the actual start date. Our team also organizes taster and introductory sessions.
more about settling in at our daycare center
Our children can pursue their interests in various themed rooms
Very close cooperation between daycare center, school & after-school care center
from Monday to Thursday under pedagogical supervision
Individual encouragement and support for children
Varied teaching of learning content and interactive forms of teaching using modern media
Varied leisure activities and various excursions (especially in the preschool group) as well as regular forest days
The Spatzennest accompanies, supports and supplements the upbringing in the family. To this end, we offer a wide range of experiences. We work according to the situational approach.
The situational approach is a holistic pedagogy that focuses on the current life situation of children and their questions, interests and problems. Every child is taken into account. Everyday life together and special projects are designed in a child-friendly way. The children play an active role in this. This pedagogical approach enables experiential and activity-based learning experiences that tie in with the children's interests and needs, provide freedom and offer stimulation. This enables the teachers to respond to the individual, flexible situations of the children, pick up on current events, understand their interests and needs and thus be "companions" to children and parents. Children experience/perceive themselves in a wide variety of ways; their bodies, their environment, their effect on others, feelings between and among themselves, their strengths, their successes in learning, their failures and the will to keep trying until they have achieved a goal. We provide space and time to try things out, create stimuli and provide various materials and ideas for the children to try out. The children use free play to make contact with each other independently and to decide what they want to play with whom, where and for how long. The situational approach provides an excellent pedagogical basis for recognizing and supporting each child in their uniqueness. Biography, age, culture, appearance, behavior and abilities express individuality. It is a matter of course for us to integrate children with special needs. Specialists and educators provide resource-oriented support in order to strengthen strengths and weaken weaknesses or turn them into strengths. All children experience and shape their everyday kindergarten life together according to their abilities and interests.
All of our facilities offer an individual settling-in and getting-to-know-you program. Whether toddler, kindergarten child or after-school child: we offer an introduction or transition phase tailored to the child in order to create a positive atmosphere right from the start and make it easier for the children to get to know each other.
Phone: +49 37462 280595
Fax: +49 37462 280745
Foreign language daycare center
Bergstraße 1a
08147 Crinitzberg